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Andrew Probert Ambassador Class

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by stubovlike1979 2020. 1. 23. 02:39


Andrew Probert Ambassador Class

No Title 250pxThe USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C)No TitleNo informationThe Ambassador class is a fictional starship class that first appears in the series.The Ambassador class was designed by to suggest a natural progression, from the older class starships that had appeared in the and Star Trek movies, to the newer starship that featured throughout the The Next Generation series. The first appearance of the Ambassador-class design is as part of a sculpture depicting the five starships named Enterprise and the U.S. Naval carrier, that hangs on the back wall of the conference room of the. The sculpture appears in the pilot episode of the Next Generation and appears throughout the first four seasons of The Next Generation.The first actual Ambassador-class starship to appear on screen is the in the third season episode '.

The crew of the Enterprise-D encounter the Enterprise-C after it travels forward in time through a time-space rift. The sudden disappearance of the Enterprise-C in the past changes the timeline for the worse, so the crew of the Enterprise-D decide to send the Enterprise-C and its crew to restore the timeline, even though they know they are likely sacrificing the crew of the enterprise-C. For that episode, and expanded on Probert's design to construct the filming model, as Probert had left the production art department after season one.Ambassador-class starships subsequently appear in two episodes of The Next Generation, ' and ') and the pilot episode of, '. In the episode Data's Day, the Enterprise meets with the USS Zhukov to receive a Vulcan ambassador who they relay to a Romulan starship, unaware that she is actually a Romulan spy. In the first episode of the fifth season Redemption, Part II, Commander commands the USS Excalibur as part of a blockade attempting to stop a Romulan supply convoy during a Klingon civil war.

In Emissary the USS Yamaguchi appears as part of the fleet attacking a Borg vessel at the beginning of the episode. These starships have some cosmetic differences from the Enterprise-C, a result of the studio model being rebuilt to remove the battle-damaged appearance it had in Yesterday's Enterprise. Contents AppearanceThe class design has a saucer section attached to a tubular engineering section and two nacelles attached to the rear of the engineering section. At the bow of the engineering section is the, while the shuttlebay is at the stern. The main bridge, lifeboats and dorsal arrays are embedded into the top of the saucer section, while the ship's ventral phaser arrays, a, and more lifeboats occupy the bottom half of the ship. The USS Yamaguchi and USS Zhukov have a modified navigational deflector, additional lifeboats, a different sensor dome and an additional shuttlebay. Other Ambassador class starshipsAlthough never established on screen, written by series production staff, lists the following starships as Ambassador-class.USS Adelphi (NCC-26849) Mentioned anecdotally in dialogue in the third season Next Generation episode, the starship Adelphi was assigned to a mission and due to a misunderstanding, a conflict broke out and 47 crewmembers, including Captain Darson and two friends of 's, were killed.

OK lets see what could have (and some say should have) been. Andrew Probert's original design for the Ambassador Class ship is discussed with Andrew himself. This is the ship that should have been. Ambassador Class Concept by Andrew Probert Eaglemoss review. Nastia Liukin Opens Up Andrew East.

USS Exeter (NCC-26531) The starship Exeter is mentioned a number of times in dialogue but never appears on screen. In the second season episode, the ship is mentioned as a former assignment of.USS Gandhi (NCC-26632) In the Next Generation episode, the Enterprise-D crew find a duplicate of Will Riker that was created a number of years previously. The duplicate, leaves at the end of the episode for an assignment on the USS Gandhi. USS Horatio (NCC-10532) In the Next Generation episode, Picard meets with Captain Walker Keel of the starship USS Horatio, an old friend who warns Picard about a conspiracy within Starfleet. The Enterprise later attempts to rendezvous with the Horatio, but it has been destroyed. USS Valdemar (NCC-26198) In the Deep Space Nine episode, the USS Valdemar is sent to the demilitarized zone in 2370 after the arrest of Chief by the Cardassian government.USS Yamaguchi (NCC-26510) In the Deep Space Nine episode, the USS Yamaguchi appears as part of the fleet that engaged the Borg at Wolf 359.References.

ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-CFew ships have gained as much popularity with less screen time than the U.S.S. The Ambassador class ship designed by Andrew Probert appeared heavily damaged in only one classic episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation.

Andrew Probert Ambassador Class

Other Ambassador class ships such as the U.S.S. Yamaguchi would appear later episodes.

Andrew Probert Design


Andrew Probert Ambassador Class Vs

AMT is proud to bring the kit back for a second tour around the galaxy and modelers’ workbenches. Scale: 1/1400. Skill Level: 2 (ages 10 and up). Glue assembly, paint required. Molded in Light grey, plus clear parts. Optional parts to create the U.S.S.

Yamaguchi. Expanded decal sheet includes all registries and markings for both Enterprise-C and Yamaguchi as well as NEW! Extensive battle damage decals. Sturdy dome base with metal support rod included.

Andrew Probert Ambassador Class